Database Options

NEM-Review is an application for analysing historical NEM Market Data. The application itself does not know what the historical market data is, rather it performs its calculations on a database, which is external to the application. When you first run NEM-Review it will connect to our web database by default.

Previously, we had developed the 'NEM-Review Updater' which was an alternative database connection option, but we have since discontinued this method and it is no longer supported.

Web Database

When using a web database NEM-Review will connect, via the internet, to our online database at

If you are using a trial of NEM-Review, the web database is the only database you will have available.

It is extremely easy to set up, hence you may want to use the web database whilst you are setting up your network to use a local database. However, it will increase your internet bandwidth costs and may run slower than a local database.