Data Name | Source | Description |
Pool Price | AEMO |
The Regional Reference Price - the energy clearing price at the reference node of each region for the reported interval. For trading interval information, this is the (actual) spot price.
The trading price for the half-hour is the time-weighted average of the six dispatch (5-minute) prices set within the trading (30-minute) period. For instance, a trading price calculated at 13:25 (applying for trading between 13:00 and 13:30) will be the average of the dispatch interval prices set as follows:
Set at 13:00 (for 13:00 to 13:05);
Set at 13:05 (for 13:05 to 13:10);
Set at 13:10 (for 13:10 to 13:15);
Set at 13:15 (for 13:15 to 13:20);
Set at 13:20 (for 13:20 to 13:25); and
Set at 13:25 (for 13:25 to 13:30).
Cumulative Price | AEMO |
The sum of the regional pool price for the previous 7 days (i.e. the previous 336 30-minute trading intervals).
Target Demand | AEMO |
Total Target Demand can be summarised as the total non-dispatchable loads for each region. It reflects the price independent demand use by the AEMO dispatch engine (NEMDE) to calculate dispatch and pricing.
In dispatch, total demand is calculated using the following formula:
Total Target Demand =
metered generation
- metered dispatchable loads
- allocated interconnector losses
+ demand forecast
+ aggregate dispatch error
For trading interval information, this is the time-weighted average of the dispatch interval demands for the half-hour.
Note: AEMO excluded Victorian smelters (950MW) from Victoria's demand in the first 2 years after market start.
Metered Demand |
Regional metered demand (calculated by the AEMO from the average of the 4 second
SCADA demand readings in the half-hour period).
Available Generation | AEMO |
The total available generation capacity summed for all units in the region as declared by each generator (as generated).
Intermittent Generation | AEMO |
The total non-scheduled generation in a region. This generation is deducted from the region's
target demand.
Utilization | Derived |
Formula: (Target Demand x 100) / Available Generation
The demand as a percentage of the available generation in region.
Surplus Generation |
Derived | Formula: Available Generation - Target Demand
The excess available generation in the region.
Data Name | Source | Description |
Target Generation (As Generated) | AEMO |
This is the target gross electrical output of the unit for the trading interval.
The value for the trading interval is the time-weighted average of the dispatch interval targets for the half-hour ending the indicated time.
Metered Generation (As Generated) | Derived |
The calculated metered generation for each unit for each trading period.
Calculated by averaging the 7 instantaneous dispatch metered generation readings
in a trading period.
The 30 minute value is calculated by averaging 7 five minute SCADA values supplied by the AEMO
(e.g. for the calculated value at 10:00, the 5 minute values at 9:35, 9:40, 9:45, 9:50, 9:55, 10:00 and 10:05 (inclusive) will be averaged).
If we do NOT have access to all 7 of the DISPATCH_UNIT_SCADA files required to calculate a 30 minute value, we will not publish a value at all.
If we do have access to all the necessary files, but we do not have all 7 values for a particular DUID, we will publish
the average of the values we have.
Metered Generation - Small-Scale Solar PV (As Generated) | AEMO |
Estimated actual output of rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) cells published by the Australian Solar Energy Forecasting System 2 (ASEFS2).
A 30 min estimated actual rooftop PV value is published per region.
Approximate Generation (Sent Out) | Derived |
Formula: Target Generation (as Generated) * the station's Auxiliary Factor
The electrical output of a unit that leaves its station.
Metered or sent-out generation is what is used for payment purposes, but is not published by AEMO. NEM-Review calculates approximate sent-out generation using published auxiliary factors.
Approximate Generation (At the Node) | Derived |
Formula: Generation (Sent Out) * the unit's Loss Factor
The electrical output of a unit that can reach the central node of a region.
Available Generation (As Generated) | AEMO |
The generator's declared generation capacity for the trading period (bid energy availability).
Utilization (As Generated) | Derived |
Formula: Target Generation (As Generated) x 100 / Available Generation
The percentage of a generator's availability that is being used.
Unused Capacity | Derived |
Formula: Available Generation - Target Generation (As Generated)
The amount of a generator's availability that is not being used.
Approximate Spot Revenue | Derived |
Formula: Generation (At the Node) * the region's Pool Price
The value of power being generated by the unit in $/hr.
Approximate Energy Use | Derived |
Formula: Generation (Sent Out) * the unit's Heat Rate
The energy input into the generating unit.
Approximate Coal Burnt | Derived |
Formula: Energy Use / Coal Quality
The amount of coal used by a unit.
Approximate Greenhouse Emissions | Derived |
Formula: Generation (Sent Out) x the station's Emission Factor
The greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions produced by a unit.
Data Name | Source | Description |
Flow | AEMO |
The scheduled interconnector flow from the interconnector's defined sending end at the region boundary. Positive flow is given by the interconnector naming convention. The identifier indicates the direction of a positive value of power flow as follows:
- V-S-MNSP1 - From Victoria to SA (Murraylink)
- V-SA - From Victoria to SA (Heywood)
- V-SN - From Victoria to Snowy [The Snowy region was abolished on 1 July 2008]
- VIC1-NSW1 - From VIC to NSW
- T-V-MNSP1 - From TAS to VIC (Basslink)
- SNOWY1 - From Snowy to NSW [The Snowy region was abolished on 1 July 2008]
- NSW1-QLD1 - From NSW to Queensland (QNI)
- N-Q-MNSP1 - From NSW to Queensland (Directlink)
For trading interval information, this is the time-weighted average of the dispatch interval flows for the half-hour.
Loss | AEMO |
As part of the dispatch process, AEMO calculates the losses that occur on each of the interconnectors and publishes this data. For clarity, please note this data is not metered data, but instead is calculated within the NEMDE dispatch process.
Export Limit | AEMO |
The approximate export limit on the interconnector during the trading period.
Import Limit | AEMO |
The approximate import limit on the interconnector during the trading period.
North/West Flow | Derived |
Formula: Flow with values less than 0 set to 0
The power exporting via the interconnector during the trading period.
South/East Flow | Derived |
Formula: The magnitude of (Flow with values greater than 0 set to 0)
The power importing via the interconnector during the trading period.
Data Name | Source | Description |
OEM Turbine Supplier | Various |
The original manufacturer of turbines used in the generator unit.
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue.
The market classification of the generator unit:
- Market Scheduled;
- Market Semi-scheduled;
- Market Non-scheduled;
- Non-market Non-scheduled;
- Non-market Semi-Scheduled; or
- Non-market Scheduled
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue.
Generation Technology | AEMO |
The type of technology used by a generator unit:
- Gas Turbine (Combined Cycle)
- Gas Turbine (Open Cycle)
- Hydro (Pumped Storage)
- Hydro (Run of River)
- Hydro (Storage)
- Reciprocating
- Thermal (subcritical, non-reheat)
- Thermal (subcritical, reheat)
- Thermal (supercritical)
- Wind Turbine
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue.
Fuel | AEMO |
The type of fuel used by a generator unit:
- Biomass (bagasse)
- Coal (bloack)
- Coal (brown)
- Gas
- Gas (landfill)
- Liquid
- Water
- Wind
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue.
Bidder | AEMO, various |
The Bidders classification is used to represent the organization responsible for bidding the station’s output into the NEM – and factors in the Non-Scheduled class.
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue.
Owner | AEMO, various |
The Owners classification has been used to identify the ultimate owner (or owners) of the asset.
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue.
The owner data is originally sourced from the AEMO Registration and Exemption List.
Trader | AEMO, various |
The Traders classification is used to represent the organization that is paid the spot price for the output – and factors in the Non-Market class.
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue. |
Emissions Factor | ACIL Tasman |
The amount of greenhouse emissions produced in production, transport and combustion of coal consumed by a generator unit, measured in tonnes CO2e/MWh sent-out. The emissions factor is used to calculate total greenhouse emissions for generator units.
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue. |
Loss Factor | AEMO |
The percentage of generation sent out from a unit that will reach the regional reference node (accounting for transmission losses). This is used to calculate the unit's generation (at the node).
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue. |
Auxillary Factor | ACIL Tasman |
The percentage of station's output that is not consumed in generating the output. This is used to calculate the generation (sent out) of the station.
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue. |
Coal Quality | ACIL Tasman |
The amount of energy produced by burning a kilogram of coal, measured in MJ/kg. Coal quality is used to calculate the coal burnt by a generator unit.
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue. |
Heat Rate | ACIL Tasman |
A measure of how efficiently a station uses heat energy, measured in HHV MJ/MWh sent-out generation. Heat rate is used to calculate generator energy use.
This data is accessible from the generator catalogue. |